Add ‘visualizer_spectrum_smooth_look’, ‘visualizer_spectrum_dft_size’, ‘visualizer_spectrum_gain’, ‘visualizer_spectrum_hz_min’ and ‘visualizer_spectrum_hz_max’ options to a configuration file for controlling the look of the new spectrum visualizer.Improve look of the frequency spectrum visualizer.Add ‘media_library_hide_album_dates’ option to a configuration file.Add dedicated ‘Load’ action for loading playlists.Remove Lyricsmania fetcher as it no longer works.Remove Lyricwiki fetcher as the site closed down.Add ‘connected_message_on_startup’ option to a configuration file.Add ‘random_exclude_pattern’ option to a configuration file.
Add support for album only view in the Media Library.Add support for ‘message_delay_time’ equal to 0.Properly expand ‘~’ in mpd_host when preceded by a password.Add ‘Play’ action for starting playback in stopped state.Add support for fetching lyrics from zeneszoveg.hu.Pass lyrics filename in single quotes to shell.Add ‘run_external_console_command’ action for running terminal applications.Fix fetching information about artists from last.fm.
Enable full sorting of items in the local browser if it’s not. Enable Link Time Optimization by default. Reduce CPU usage of the frequency spectrum visualizer. Consider mouse support when pausing and unpausing curses interface. Suppress output of all external commands. Draw a separator between albums with the same name, but a different artist. Show the Visualizer immediately if it’s the initial screen. Fix crash on startup with Browser as the initial screen. Fix crash on startup with Visualizer as the initial screen. Fix intermittent failures of the Genius fetcher. Add support for fetching lyrics from. Gracefully handle failures when asking for a password. Revert suppression of output of all external commands as that makes e.g album art addons no longer work. No full support for handling encodings other than UTF-8. tag library (optional, required for tag editing). fftw library (optional, required for frequency spectrum music visualization mode).
curl library (for fetching lyrics and last.fm data). ability to browse and add files from outside of MPD music directory. ability to fetch artist info from last.fm. Ncmpcpp – featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc Main features: